Just when you think you’ve seen it all when it comes to shark attacks…

While angler Ryan Willsea and friends were fishing off of Venice, Louisiana and were lucky enough to have the GoPros ready when a monster 1,000+ pound tiger shark attacked an estimated 7-8 foot hammerhead.

Not sure if the hammerhead was hooked or not, but either way, pretty wild footage!

Ever seen anything like this?

Let us know in the comments.


Related Video: “This Has To Be The Largest Great White Ever Captured On Film!” (watch it here now)

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Nothing gets tourists more excited than seeing sharks and dolphins when they come down to Florida.

So you can only imagine that this big mako shark had all of Hawks Cay talking that day.

According to the witnesses, the shark appeared to have some serious eye damage that was caused from a fishing hook.

There were even some comments in the YouTube video saying that the shark was caught and killed shortly after this video footage.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other information on this shark.


Related Video: “You’ve Got To See This Guy Spear A Yellowfin Tuna From A Marina Dock!” (watch it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

I’d say that diver and spearfisherman Justin Smith had a pretty good day!

While diving off of the coast of North Carolina last month, Justin not only bagged handful of megalodon teeth, but he also bagged some grouper.

All while fending off a hungry shark.

And did he make it look incredibly easy to find Megalodon shark teeth or what? I’m guessing that I’ve passed over quite a few of them in my days of diving.

Pretty cool stuff man.


Related Post: “Ancient Remains Of A 20-ft Shark Found In Texas!” (see it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Holy Sonogram!

I can guarantee you’ve never seen an ultrasound like this before!


Because this is the most developed tiger shark ultrasound ever caught on film!

A huge thanks to The Discovery Channel and the shark scientists that filmed this amazing ultrasound. It’s amazing how the best shark footage always seems to come around shark week.

At any rate, very cool that they were able to capture this, and very cool that they can track this shark and see what she does next. This will give marine biologists some excellent intel on where pregnant tiger sharks go.

Now that they know they can see some pretty amazing ultrasound footage on tiger sharks, I wonder what will be next?


Related Video: “Blacktip Shark Attacks 8-Year Old Boy Caught On Film!” (watch it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

We all like rooting for underdogs.

And most of us anglers are rarely rooting for the shark as it has been known to steal so many of our catches after we do all of the hard work.

So when we saw this amazing video of a shark picking a fight with an eel (and eventually become a meal for the eel), we had to share.

Finally a tough day to be a shark.

If you have kids and have ever seen the animated movie “Shark Tales”, this Eel is basically the new “Shark Slayer” that everyone in the ocean fears!

The eel in the video has certainly been eating his Salt Strong vitamins.


Related Video: “13ft Tiger Shark vs Diver. Incredibly Scary Shark Encounter!” (watch it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!


This could be one of the best spearfishing videos of the year!

Talk about some amazing shots and wild footage.

The toughest part about this one was trying to figure out which part of the video to feature in the headline and thumbnail picture…

These guys (they call themselves Team Descent Spearfishing out of South Florida – Divers Greyson Dixon, Joe Cooper, and some friends are in this video) pluck off cobia, king mackerel, permit, and more in this epic video.

But after watching it twice, I decided “The Cobia Run” part was too good to not feature. These guys were going head to head with some pretty massive bull sharks with blood in the water.

I don’t know about you but the last place I want to be is in the water with bull sharks when there is blood next to me… same goes for hammerhead sharks which you will also see in this video.

At any rate, check out all of the great spearfishing action in this one. Great job Descent Spearfishing Team!


Related Video: “This Is How You Spearfish Cobia Off The Backs Of Bull Sharks!” (watch it here now)

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When bull sharks are hungry, nothing stops them from eating any free meal that comes in their path, even other sharks…

In this wild video, angler Palm Beach Pete is out on his paddle board while his buddies KC and Dwayne head out in their kayaks.

They were hoping to catch some permit that day when KC hooked into a nice blacktip shark.

Right before it came up to the surface for a landing and release, a couple of massive bull sharks came out of the blue and ripped the blacktip shark to shreds!

Nature can be brutal sometimes…

Check it out!

Related Video: “Shark Steals Diver Fish And Then Steals His Spear Gun!” (watch it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Let’s face it, we’ve all tried to release a fish that didn’t go as planned at one point or another…

Fortunately for most of us, the camera wasn’t running during our “fishing fail” so that all of YouTube could see it.

But thankfully for us, angler George Saber (aka Yakman) had his GoPro running while he dealt with this pesky shark that came an inch away from nailing him where it counts.

Man, that was a close one!

The shark chomped down on the seat when it could have been something else!

Glad you paddled away safely from this one brother, and thank you for having the kahunas to post it.

Enjoy and stay tuned for the full video to see and hear the full story.

Related Post: “11 Essential Kayak Fishing Tips For Newbies” (check it out here)

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We’ve all heard about trying to land a fish before a shark gets it…

But have you ever heard of trying to land a shark before a crocodile gets it?

Wait til’ you see this wild footage of a small saltwater crocodile (at least what appears to be a croc – the notes in the video mention both an alligator and a crocodile) aggressively coming on land to get a free meal (in what looks to be a small bull shark, but please correct me if I’m wrong here).

But the angler is having none of it!

I bet he never thought in a million years he would be smacking a crocodile away from a bull shark when he woke up that morning!


Related Video: “Massive Snook Attacks Largemouth Bass Captured On Film!” (watch it here now)

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P.S. – If you think your angler friends would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

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