Strong Angler Of The Week: Matthew Lanier


It’s time for the Strong Angler of the Week!

This is an honor that goes to an Insider who’s on the water catching fish and making memories with their friends and family.

Today, we’re talking to Matthew who recently had a birthday fishing trip with another Insider member.

They went out really early for a topwater bite and were almost immediately hooked up.

From there, it was non-stop action all day!

The highlight of the trip was getting to hear constant blowups and fishing with topwaters all day on the kayak.

Get the full story of this amazing day and how making memories with others in the community has made him so grateful for Salt Strong.

Check it out!

Strong Angler Of The Week [Video]

Awesome job, Matthew!

If you want to join Matthew and over 25,000 other anglers in the Insider Club, click here!

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Bob Gahagan Jr.
3 months ago

Praise Jesus who has given you another year of life. That’s awesome for us so we can continue to watch you and our Salt Strong family. Keep up the good work and giving Him the glory. 🤗🎂🎉🥳🎣🙏💯

James Otte
3 years ago

Congrats Matthew! You are the heart and soul of Salt Strong. There’s a whole lot more to fishing…. than fishing.

Matthew Lanier
3 years ago

Truly honored. I appreciate it. To all of the Salt Strong team! 💪

Last edited 3 years ago by Matthew Lanier


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