The #1 Reason Your Live Bait Is Catching Catfish (And How To Avoid It)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Sick and tired of catching slimy catfish?
You aren’t alone…
Sadly, most live bait anglers catch more catfish than they do slot and upper slot redfish, speckled trout, and snook…
And it’s all due to one incredibly common problem (that even some full-time guides mess up)…
Do you want to know what it is?
Here it is…
The Majority Of Big Redfish, Speckled Trout, Snook, & Flounder Swim Right On By Your Live Bait Because It’s NOT RIGGED CORRECTLY!
If your bait isn’t rigged correctly, you might as well be waving a flag that says, “Free meal…Welcome, all catfish.”
And here’s the big misconception that hurts so many anglers…
The big problem is that most inshore saltwater fishermen falsely believe that just because they are using live bait that all of the predator fish in the area will automatically want to eat it…
In fact, nothing could be further from the truth!
Sure, you might trick a small dink red, trout, snook, or slimy catfish to eat a bait that isn’t rigged perfectly, but you won’t have a chance with those upper-slot and over slot fish we all want to get our pictures with.
Not only that…
Based on what we recently discovered with underwater cameras, you would absolutely die if you had any idea how many trophy fish you’ve missed because your bait looked unnatural underwater!
For Instance, Did You Know That Mere Centimeters In Your Hook Placement Can Mean The Difference Between Catching A Trophy Fish & Getting Skunked?
Yep, it’s true.
And did you know that using a hook just ONE SIZE TOO LARGE can instantly eliminate your chances of getting an over-slot fish to hit your bait?
Moreover, did you know that hooking your bait from the wrong side can actually suffocate the baitfish (killing your bait & killing your chances of getting tight lines)?
Here’s the story:
Every good inshore angler knows there are just THREE basic things behind consistently catching solid inshore saltwater fish with live bait.
- Finding (and catching) the bait
- Finding the feeding predator fish
- Rigging the bait correctly to maximize your strikes
But what’s crazy is that most anglers completely forget about the rigging and presentation part!
Not focusing on the rigging and bait presentation is like trying to use a spinning reel without a handle!!!
Sure, you could twist the bail around manually and eventually get some line in, but what a waste of time.
You might as well be the angler with a blacked-out livewell who only catches sail cats!!!
All jokes aside, there is nothing worse than having a live well full of bait, but then falling flat on your face when it comes to actually catching solid fish because you don’t know the best rigging secrets…
Here’s the truth…
You’ll Never Catch As Many Trophy Inshore Fish As You Deserve Unless You Know EXACTLY What Your Bait Really Looks Like Underwater!
If you want an unfair advantage over the fish, we’ve got the solution for you today…
It all begins with putting an end to “guessing” what your bait looks like underwater.
Any seasoned live bait captain will tell you that merely “guessing and assuming” that your bait looks enticing to a predator fish is a recipe for disaster…
For instance, most weekend warrior anglers (and even many full-time guides) don’t realize how often they are sabotaging their live bait with too heavy of a hook and/or weight.
Most don’t know that even an extra fraction of an ounce too heavy on the weight can have your bait looking like a dead pancake on the bottom of the ocean…
Or even worse, a bait that is helicoptering around so fast in the current that it’s creating a whirlpool behind it!!!
There are even certain baits that you should NEVER rig with a weight… EVER… yet most anglers rig this bait the wrong way… scratching their head… confused on why they can’t get a bite…
These are just a few examples of why it’s critical to see EXACTLY what your live bait looks like underwater in every scenario (fishing in no current, moderate current, and heavy current).
Because guess what…
Underwater Camera Footage Doesn’t Lie… It Reveals Everything

The truth is… most fishermen are incredibly inconsistent when it comes to fishing with live bait.
They burn through countless gallons of gas, waste tons of time and money on equipment they don’t use properly, and they come back home frustrated and empty-handed…
And the most common thing holding anglers back from catching more fish is actually bad rigging…
On the other hand, there are captains out there like Capt Peter Deeks (multi-world record holder of inshore saltwater species) who study live bait underwater to know exactly how each bait should be rigged in every scenario.
Capt. Peter Deeks has proven time and time again that he can catch trophy fish almost every single day… over 300 days per year… even under all the stress of high-stakes tournaments where thousands of dollars are on the line.
Not only that, Peter has racked up over 30 FIRST PLACE tournament wins, has been featured on popular fishing TV shows countless times, and he’s also guided clients to numerous IGFA World Records for redfish, snook, and trout… including the current All-Tackle Length for Spotted Seatrout.
It’s safe to say that Peter has been one of the most sought-after “secret weapons” for trophy inshore fish for many years now.
How does he do it?
Well, professionals like Peter Deeks do something DIFFERENT than you do out on the water when rigging live bait.
While many amateurs and weekend warriors run-and-gun to their favorite spot, rigging up their baits as fast as possible (without thinking through the situation), pros like Peter are confidently rigging their baits… quickly plucking off trophy fish while you grapple with another slimy sail cat…
But it doesn’t have to be that way for you any longer…
Once you know exactly what your bait really looks like underwater (based on the undisputed evidence from this new online course Peter put together), you’ll never look at live bait the same way again.
Once You See The Live Bait Rigging Secrets In This Exclusive Online Course, You’ll Be PERFECTLY RIGGING Your Live Bait Every Time You Hit The Water… Catching More Fish Per Hour Than You Ever Dreamed Possible…
Never again wasting a chance to catch your new personal best fish due to your live bait looking unnatural down below…
Now as you probably know, this type of live bait underwater intel has never been available before…
Finding the time (and money) to film every single popular live bait under every possible underwater perspective has prevented anyone from doing it.
Plus, most of the top guides have very tight lips when it comes to sharing their best-kept fishing secrets…
It’s one of the main reasons Peter has never shared all of his live bait secrets (the tactics he has used to catch trophy inshore fish 300+ days of the year)…
Until today…
YES… that’s right… you can have instant access to ALL of his best live bait tactics, rigging tricks, and latest underwater discoveries… today!
Let me explain.
When Peter finally agreed to reveal all of these live bait SECRETS… we were PUMPED!
Because not only did he agree to let us film all of the most popular baits underwater, but he also agreed to let us film him fishing and rigging baits above the water with every type of bait imaginable (from pinfish to whitebait to mullet).
So not only will you be rigging your baits like a pro, but Peter walks you through exactly which baits are best for every season and every given situation.
And he’s finally ready to reveal ALL of the tactics behind his world-record catching secrets…
The same dirty little secrets that will change your live bait game forever…
And Do It Literally Overnight!
If I could just explain it all to you, I would right here.
But you have to SEE these baits in action underwater to truly “get” it.
That’s why Peter spent the past year working on this project… countless days with a cameraman filming baits above and below the surface.
Capturing everything a big predator fish would see below your boat, kayak, pier, or bridge…
And then we spent a full month breaking down the countless hours of underwater footage into an entire “interactive” online course that reveals everything… literally everything… that you need to know about using live bait to catch trophy inshore saltwater fish (faster than ever before).
And it’s all finally available for serious inshore saltwater anglers…
It will take you a few hours to watch the entire online Underwater Bait Forensics course, and every live bait tip is broken down into its own video so that you can quickly absorb each tactic (while having the ability to go back and reference it whenever you need to… instantly).
Once you’ve gone through it just once, you will know these “dirty little secrets” that allow the full-time professionals to catch monster fish using live bait so quickly and effortlessly.
And you will be able to do the same exact thing yourself, the very next trip you take.
It really is that simple.
Your live bait game will be changed forever… just like that.
Here are just a few things you will discover in this Underwater Bait Forensics Online Course:
- All of the Pro-Level Secrets you need to know about fishing LIVE BAITS to catch trophy fish (based on how they really look underwater)
- Which live bait to use to maximize the amount of fish you catch for every situation
- How to rig Shrimp to catch more fish
- How to rig Mullet to catch more fish
- How to rig Pinfish to catch more fish
- How to rig Pilchards to catch more fish
- How to rig Mud Minnows to catch more fish
- How to rig Mojarra to catch more fish
- How to rig Pigfish to catch more fish
- How to rig Croakers to catch more fish
- How to rig Fidler Crabs to catch more fish
- How to PREDICT what the big predator fish will want to eat in any given situation.
- The EXACT leader line, hooks, and weights you must have (and which tackle you should avoid)
- The common rigs to AVOID (these rigs cost weekend warriors dearly)
- How to keep your bait alive longer
- How to present your live bait like a PRO (and what to do if you see this ONE thing)…
- And much, much, more…
Best Of All, You Can Check It Out Yourself For FREE If You Like…
Here’s the deal:
You probably already know our policy here at Salt Strong has always been NO RISK: with a complete, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee of your satisfaction.
If you are not happy for any reason (or for NO reason at all), just email us at and you’ll get a prompt, cheerful refund.
Any time in the first 365 days!
Yep, when you sign up today, you’ll have a FULL YEAR to go through the course and make sure it’s transforming your fishing game before you are locked in.
It’s the only way we want to do business…
It’s the way I wish other companies treated ME.
No risk.
No nonsense.
Either you get tremendous value and catch more fish or you don’t pay…
This Must Cost A Fortune, Right?
Well, it’s important you know that Capt. Peter Deeks would charge you upwards of $2,000 for a single day if you wanted a private lesson where he would teach you his best bait catching tips for the day.
That’ no typo…
$2,000 for a single day.
And you don’t get a recording of it, either.
You either remember it or you don’t…
Even though that may seem like a crazy amount of money for one day of fishing, it’s not all that crazy when you consider the 20+ years of bait catching knowledge that you instantly gain (that could help you save countless hours of catching trophy fish and even win money in a tournament).
But we don’t want to charge you that kind of money for this underwater course (even though the angler’s who’ve already gone through it all agree it’s worth it).
So no, you don’t have to pay $2,000…
You don’t even have to pay $1,000…
You don’t even have to pay $500…
In fact, you don’t even have to pay $250…
Even though we spent a year making this course with Capt. Peter Deeks… getting every perfect angle (even when the current was ripping)… plus the cost of a videographer and his $50,000 camera gear… plus weeks and weeks of editing…
You’ll Get Instant Access To The Entire Underwater Live Bait Course For Less Than A Single Tank Of Gas!
Because TODAY ONLY, you can get instant access to his ENTIRE Bait Catching Mastery Course for just $57!
YES! Only $57!
That’s over 80% OFF the normal price that the public will see on our main site (normal price is $297).
Better yet, you get LIFETIME access to this incredibly valuable information (with no other fees or charges – even if we add in new tips).
But you have to act now!
We’re only offering a LIMITED SUPPLY of this course to be sold at 80% off.
The crazy-low price for this never-before-seen course won’t be around long!
Remember, this is just a small fraction of what Peter would charge you if you wanted to hire him for a single day to learn just some of the secrets contained in this course.
And you can pay using your credit card or PayPal.
Click below now to see if we still have copies of this exclusive online course available at the special $57 rate (80% OFF).
See if this special offer is still available by clicking below now.
Click here now to claim your copy of the Underwater Bait Forensics Course at 80% OFF
P.S. – If you act today, we’ll throw in these free bonus videos:
- BONUS #1 – Live Shrimp Pro Tactics (4 Videos)
- BONUS #2 – Pinfish Pro Tactics (5 Videos)
- BONUS #3 – Live Mullet Mistakes & Pro Tactics
- BONUS #4 – Easy Way To Catch White Bait
- BONUS #5 – Easy Way To Catch Croakers & Pinfish
- BONUS #6 – Live Bait Tips – Top Secret Library (9 Videos)
- BONUS #7 – The Biggest Live Bait Mistakes That Almost All Weekend Warriors Make!
Don’t miss out!
Click here now to claim your copy of the Underwater Bait Forensics Course at 80% OFF
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I believe im doing everthing correctly, the Indian River between Melbourne and Sebastian just isnt holding the fish as much as it used to.