The Best Rig For Catching Sheepshead Around Heavy Structure


It’s almost BIG sheepshead time!

And if you want to have a chance at catching them, you need the best rig!

So in this new video, you’ll learn how to tie my favorite rig for sheepshead in deeper water, fast current, and around heavy structure.

Check it out!

Best Sheepshead Rig Around Structure [VIDEO]

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My go-to rig for catching sheepshead around structure is a dropper rig.

Here’s what you’ll need:

This rig is made up of two loop knots, one for the weight and one for the hook.

Take the tag end of the leader line and tie a non-slip loop knot.

Slide the loop through the eye of the weight, wrap around the weight, and pull tight.

Go 20 to 25 inches away from the weight up the leader line then make another loop knot (but don’t make the loop as big as you did for the weight).

Put the loop through the eye of the hook, wrap around the hook, and pull tight.


You’ve got a sheepshead dropper rig!

dropper rig materials

Have any questions about how to tie this rig?

Let me know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who will be sheepshead fishing this year, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!

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Vic Weinstein
3 years ago

The hook loop as shown is much simpler to tie than the weight loop.
Why not just use the simple loop for both with two different sized loops
This has worked fine for me.

Bill Zimmer
3 years ago

Thanks Austin, I’ll make a few of these ahead of time so I’ll be ready this Fall and Winter.

grey lyons
3 years ago

Bad video can’t see the line clearly poor background or knot.

Mike B.
3 years ago

Thats a great rig, I use different knots but same rig.
Great job Austin.
We need to get out the house and go fish together one day.

Mike B.
Jacksonville, FL.

Brian Demo
3 years ago

Great knowledge as always, Austin! Question about threading hook. Would going in through the hook side vs the shank side help with preventing hookups on structure or would it not really matter?

Mike Smith
3 years ago

Nice rig…thanks for the video…can’t wait to use it this fall!!!

Robert D. Love
3 years ago

I like to tie the sinker on using a slightly lighter weight line so if the sinker gets stuck, the lighter weight line will break and I still have my whole rig. I make a simple loop knot with the lighter weight line, attach it to the sinker, and then thread that lighter loop through the bottom loop you described, and finally thread the sinker back through the lighter weight loop. The sinker is on securely, but will break off if stuck without damaging the basic rig.

3 years ago

Nice rig and video !!! Thanks

Richard Van Gilder
3 years ago

Appreciate the info.!
I realize it does depend on current, etc. but can you give at least some ballpark numbers for the size weight to use?

Gary Hartge
3 years ago

Nice video Austin! For some of us older, or less patient individuals, when attaching hooks to any loop I will take short piece of monofilament and put one end through the dropper loop to create a “loop” that links the existing dropper loop on the rig and my piece of mono. Kind of like two links in a chain. I then put both ends of the short piece of mono through the eye of the hook which is usually way easier to do than getting a pinched loop through. I then hold the hook and pull or jerk the two ends of the short piece of mono away from the hook therefore pulling the loop through the eye of the hook. I use pliers on the hook sometimes to make sure I do not hook myself because it may take a jerk or tug to get the loop through the eye of the hook. It makes things go a lot quicker when creating say multiple pompano rigs and it makes the task easier on a rocking boat.

Mario Relvini
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hartge

Good input Gary. I had a headache trying to get the loop through the hook eye until the light bulb went off and used your method.


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