How To Tie The “Knot With No Name” [Mono To Leader Knot]


The Knot With No Name

One of the stronger mono-to-leader connections out there is a knot that I’m not sure has a name, so we simply dubbed it the “Knot With No Name”.

Since it’s so easy to tie while also being extremely strong, this is a MUST-KNOW knot for anglers who use mono lines and need to connect to stronger mono/fluoro leaders.

It actually is the combination of two different strong knots (the Perfection Loop and the Orvis Knot) to create a sleek and strong mono-to-leader connection.

This knot is great for a few different reasons. I really like it because it is:

  • Easy to tie
  • Very strong
  • Great for lines of very different diameters

In this article, I show you the step-by-step process to tie the Knot With No Name. You can also see a video tutorial on how to tie this knot in the article.

Note: If you know a name for this mono to leader connection, please let us know using the comment section below.

How To Tie The Knot With No Name

The Knot With No Name is a combination of the Perfection Loop and the Orvis Knot.

In this section, we show you how to use these two knots to make the Knot With No Name using two pieces of mono line.

Step 1: Tie A Perfection Loop At The Tag End Of Your Leader Line

Tie a Perfection Loop at the tag end of your leader line. You will attach this end to your mono mainline in later steps.

knot with no name step 1

Know with no name step 1.1

knot wit no name step 1.2

Knot With No Name Step 1.3

Knot with no name step 1.4

Click here to see a tutorial on how to tie the Perfection Loop

Step 2: Cut The Tag End Of The Perfection Loop

Cut the tag end of the Perfection Loop with scissors.

Know With No Name Step 2

Know With No Name Step 2.1

Step 3: Thread The Tag End Of Your Mainline Through The Perfection Loop

Take the tag end of your mono mainline and thread it through the Perfection Loop you made in the previous step. The Perfection Loop serves as the eye of a hook or lure for the next knot.

Know with No name step 3

Step 4: Tie An Orvis Knot To The Perfection Loop Using The Mainline

With the mainline, tie an Orvis Knot to the Perfection Loop.

Knot With No Name Step 4

Knot With No Name Step 4.1

knot with no name step 4.2

Know With No Name Step 4.3

Know With No Name Step 4.4

Click here to see a tutorial on how to tie the Orvis Knot

Step 5: Cut The Tag End Of Your Orvis Knot

Cut the tag end of your Orvis Knot with scissors. Your Knot With No Name is complete.

Know With No Name Step 5

knot with no name

The Knot With No Name Video Tutorial

This video shows you the entire process it takes to tie the Knot With No Name using mono lines.

Go To Our Knot Testing Homepage [Full Knot Rankings]


The Knot With No Name combines two great knots to make one powerful line-to-line connection.

When it comes to strength for mono-to-mono connections, the Surgeon’s Knot comes out on top, but the Knot With No Name is a close second.

If you want to see the full knot rankings list, then check out our guide to the strongest fishing knots of all time.

If you have any questions or comments about this knot, let us know in the comments section below.

Tight Lines!

Go To Our Knot Testing Homepage [Full Knot Rankings]

Related Posts: 

1. The UNBREAKABLE Fishing Knot – PR Bobbin Knot [Free PDF Guide]

2. How To Tie The Perfection Loop [Picture And Video Tutorial]

3. How to Tie the Blood Knot [Video & Picture Tutorials]

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Joseph Sherer
5 years ago

Hey Luke, I know this discussion goes a long way back but I actually use the No Name Knot for my loop knot directly to my Fly. It is the fastest knot I know and I have caught 30+” Snook on it and it hasn’t failed me yet.

Raymond Bierschenk
6 years ago

Hi Luke,
Back in my freshwater/trout stream/fly fishing days I was shown and used the perfection loop. All connections had a loop. there was a loop on the end of the fly line that was installed at the shop, followed by the loop that was pre-tied on each end of the tapered leader, and I would tie the perfection loop on my small leader for the final loop to loop connection. I don’t know how the strength compares with the perfection to orvis but I did pretty good with it using 2# line.
Another great video!

6 years ago

Looks bulky to go through the rod runners. The fg is the best. And I have a great tool to tie it. Would be more than happy to send you one to try. Check it out

Steven Free
6 years ago

Sounds and looks like a good knot I just don’t understand why you would use it considering you have said in many scenarios that the fg knot is the best of the best good Lord you must tie at least 20 different knots because you always seem to be describing how to tie a different knot I like to stick with what works and I use 2 different and sometimes on a rare occasion use 3 knots for inshore and freshwater bass fishing and they never fail me to me learning to tie a whole bunch of knots confuses things but hey to each his own thanks for all you guys do????

David LaPointe
6 years ago

Would love to see the mono to wire without swivel knot. Think it an Albright but not sure. Mainly for use when throwing a jig when the Spanish are in town.

Pat Ogletree
6 years ago

Luke I was watching you tie the perfection knot and it looks to me like just a different way to tie the Canoe Man knot, or vice versa. Am I missing something?
Also this knot looks like a good shock absorber type of knot for large fish like tarpon if you tie the loop long enough. I’ll have to try it out.

Pat Ogletree
6 years ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Makes since, thanks for taking the time to explain!

Pablo Diaz
6 years ago

Does the open loop get snagged? Where are locations or surfaces to use this knot?


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