Mang Gear: Buy One, Plant One (The Mang Bros Meet The Salt Strong Bros)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Salt Strong Podcast

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Mang Gear.
You buy their fishing apparel, they plant a mangrove tree on your behalf.
They even give you a certificate with the longitude and latitude coordinates so you can go check on your mangrove.
Pretty darn awesome, huh?
So awesome that we had to interview these guys on our podcast to hear more of their stroy (listen to the interview below the video).
We originally heard about these twin brothers (Keith and Kyle – aka the “Mang Bros”) through a video that was getting circulated around Facebook (you can see it below).
Their “buy one, plant one” mangrove deal reminded us of Tom’s “buy a shoe, give a shoe” initiative, and quite honestly, we wish we had thought of it first!
And even though many folks would look at Mang Gear as a competitor to Salt Strong, their story and ultimately, the value they are bringing to our marine ecosystem, is too good not to share.
Here is the original Mang Gear video that we saw (make sure to listen to the awesome interview below the video).
Changing The World One Mangrove At A Time
Mang Gear Podcast Interview With Salt Strong
Unfortunately, Keith couldn’t make the interview due to a work conflict (he was out saving the world from bag marine ecosystems by planting mangrove trees), but we had a blast getting to know Mang bro Kyle in this podcast episode.
Wait until you hear his wild story towards the end of the interview!
Wow! What a wild story.
Pretty cool mission for a fishing apparel company, huh?
Make sure to check out the Mang Gear home page to see their apparel, to learn more about their mission to plant countless mangroves all over the world, and to help the cause.
Any questions for us regarding the Mang Gear podcast interview?
Anyone you want us to interview next?
Let us know in the comments.
Fish On!
P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would enjoy this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!
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