How To Fish With Live Shrimp From A Kayak

Do you often fish with live shrimp when you are out on your kayak?

What are the best techniques for fishing with live shrimp from a kayak?

If you want to catch more fish using live shrimp from your kayak, then check out these awesome tips!

Learn more here!!

How To Fish With Live Shrimp From A Kayak

Mobile Or Moving Method

Being in a kayak, you have a lot more stealth fishing opportunities compared to a boat or a larger vessel.

If you are in deeper water or you are unable to anchor safely, a slip float is a perfect choice to rig up and use.

A slip float rig is a super effective method and allows you to cover lots of water.

Be sure to be on the lookout for high percentage zones such as oyster rakes or points that may indicate fish.

You want to cover these high percentage areas thoroughly to find out if any fish will bite.

The mobile or moving method allows you to cover more water and sift through feeding zones without having to anchor up.

Stationary Method

This method is for anchoring up somewhere shallow or in the grass so you can stay put and cast to your target zone.

In order to be successful using this method, you need to understand the area you are fishing and where those fish are going to likely hold up.

Some key things to look for are a steady current and structures such as oysters or ledges.

These two factors indicate high percentage zones that are of interest and should be fished.

You should aim your casts up current and allow the live bait to drift through the target zone.

On the other hand, it can also be beneficial to let the line out and allow the slip float to naturally drift in the current.

How To Fish With Live Shrimp From A Kayak [VIDEO]

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Equipment Used:


Fishing with live bait from a kayak using a slip float is a perfect approach to covering water and having your bait presented in the high percentage zones.

You can use either method to stay mobile and cover ground using the slip float, or you can anchor up somewhere close to the shore and fish a point or structure.

Be sure to remain stealthy and quiet as you approach areas of interest!

Do you have any more questions or suggestions on live shrimp fishing from your kayak?

Let me know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who wants to learn more about live shrimp kayak fishing tips, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Art Heiter
3 years ago

Nice use of the graphic to show the submerged oyster rake on that one point. It clearly demonstrated the target area and why.

Joseph Brumley
3 years ago

When using shrimp (which is most of the time on my kayak trips) I always have a slip bobber or popping cork set up on a rod and a Texas or Carolina rig set up on another. It’s amazing how many days they only want one or the other and not both. I fished out of the yak on the same river (Little Manatee) 3 days this week. Wednesday almost every fish came on the bobber rig. Thursday it was the bottom bouncers. Saturday it was back to the bobber. Even caught a black drum on the popping cork Saturday. The weather conditions were the same all 3 days (sunny and hot, record heat actually) and tides were real similar in time and depth. Only thing different was how the fish wanted to eat on different days. Great report Richard.

Charles Nalley
3 years ago

Hi Richard,
Awesome post. It definitely looks like you were fishing in almost the exact same spot that my wife caught her personal best redfish about four months ago, Thanks for the great tips.

Brian Higgins
3 years ago

I find my most success is using a 1/8 oz jig with live shrimp catches any size red, many trout and flounder. However, swimming grubs on that jig work very well for flounder.

Teri M Cranford
3 years ago

I see you have a Bixby motor. How is it rigged in your kayak? We want a motor for our Hobie Compass but hesitant about a through hull option in case we hit something. Thoughts?

Al Clements
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Thomas

I use the Torqueedo Motor and it also hooks right where the rudder would be. My foot rest have become my rudder control so I ma totally hands free for fishing.
17 yeras of kayak fishing has taught me many things but one thing for sure, everytime I go I learn something new and different from other anglers.


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