Meet The Man That Has Killed Over 10,000 Lionfish [EPISODE 10]
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Fun, Salt Strong Podcast

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What an amazing Episode 10!
And what a great guy doing some really cool things to help out anglers in and around Florida.
Who would have thought so much work could be done underwater!
If you have followed our site for any amount of time, you probably saw at least one of our videos featuring, “The Lionfish Killer”.
This guy had some amazingly wild lionfish videos!
Just wait til’ you hear what he is working on now with the FWC, and how lionfish are impacting anglers in this brand new Fish Strong podcast.
Simply click either of the buttons below to get the immediate podcast download.
Note: Here is the video we referenced in the podcast:
The World Record Lionfish Massacre! 1,399 Lionfish Killed [VIDEO]
Tips For Lionfish Removal (FWC)
Here are a few things you will learn in this podcast interview with Alex Fogg, The Lionfish Killer:
- Why lionfish are so dangerous to our marine ecosystems
- How quickly these lionfish are reproducing and how deep they are going
- Some crazy dive stories with sharks
- Some great tips on how to kill lionfish
- What a Zookeeper is
To find out more about lionfish (including rules on killing them, licenses, etc), click here to see the FWC page on Lionfish.
Finally, make sure to check out The Reef Rangers here.
And go check out their second annual Lionfish Removal Awareness Day festival on May 14-15th in Pensacola by clicking here
Enjoy the podcast by clicking one of the two buttons below!
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