Speckled Trout On Demand: Best Spots & Lures (LIVE Video)


If you love catching trout, you’re going to love this episode.

Join Luke and me LIVE as we drift grass flats and catch lots of trout, ladyfish, and Spanish mackerel.

One of us even caught the elusive and highly-valued pinfish, although I won’t embarrass them and say who it was (hint: it wasn’t me).

This day was one of those crummy, windy, winter days that most people would just stay home on.

However, just like you can’t pick the weather on Saturday morning, we can’t pick the weather when we decide to film the podcast.

So we did the best we could with what we had to show you how you can actually get a ton of tight lines and have a blast on the water (even on bad days).

This type of fishing is great for fishing with friends, neighbors, family members, and especially kids because there was non-stop action.

You’ll also learn:

  • The best types of spots to fish when you just want tight lines and lots of fish in the boat
  • Why using a paddletail without the tail can be good in some scenarios
  • How drifting just a few feet can completely shut down the bite
  • What factors are most important when it comes to choosing a spot (even more important than tide)
  • And much more!

I definitely recommend watching the video below, but you can also listen to the audio by clicking the play button under the video, or on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

Speckled Trout On Demand [VIDEO]

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➡ Click here to claim your FREE pack of Slam Shady paddletails

➡ See the Insider Spot Dissection Lesson From This Trip

Speckled Trout On Demand [PODCAST]

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Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

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catch trout in winter

What a trip!

To catch a ton of fish on this day we drifted the grass flats and made sure to fish the deeper holes where the fish were holding.

If you have any questions about catching trout or other species in the winter, let us know in the comments below.

We were both using the Slam Shady paddletail and you can get your FREE pack by clicking here.

If you have any requests for types of fishing trips for us to go on or guests to bring on these live podcasts, leave a comment!

And finally, if you know someone who wants to get non-stop action on the water, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. Want access to the best fishing spots, tips, and exclusive gear and discounts? Click here to join us and +12,000 other anglers in the Insider Club!

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  • Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish ever trip
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Tug a lug
5 years ago

Are Spotted trout catchable from the shore along Alabama’s Gulf coast? How would you suggest going about it?

Richard Fiorentino
5 years ago

Have you ever thought about using a de-hooker so you limit the handling of the fish?

Chuck Bissler
5 years ago

Where do you get then “Slam Shady’s”

Luke Simonds
5 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Bissler

Here’s a link you can use to claim a free pack (just have to pay the small shipping cost): https://saltstrongdev.wpengine.com/slam-shady-free-pack/

Jeremiah Thomas
5 years ago

Great video guys! But what happened with the paddle boarders? Haha

Luke Simonds
5 years ago

Haha! They got back safe and sound.

5 years ago

Enjoyed the video. Always informative and entertaining. The remarks about getting the lure down to the strike zone had me thinking about weight and material. It seems that the Z-man paddletails are more bouyant than for instance, Slayer paddletails. I started getting more strikes when I went from 1/8oz. to 3/16oz. jig head (with same retrieve speed and water depth). The Slam Shady (minus the tail) becomes a Shady lil’ jon and is great for finding trout! Keep those videos coming.

Luke Simonds
5 years ago

Thanks for making time to leave the helpful comment Jim! Yes, the buoyancy of the tails need to be considered when matching your jig head and tail to the depth coverage you need.

Jim Woodmansee
5 years ago

Great video. Love watching you guys banter. One note about Luke’s comment about having to spend more time working the trolling motor to keep within casting distance in the wind, I installed a Minn Kota iPilot on my pontoon boat and it has a “hold your spot” button (not sure if that is what it is actually called) but I was fishing the Midpoint Bridge on the Caloosahatchee river yesterday in a fair breeze and a fairly strong current and it held my spot near the bridge abutment really well; didn’t have to fool with it at all until I was ready to move to the next one. This feature really works and I highly recommend it! Spend more time fishing.

Luke Simonds
5 years ago
Reply to  Jim Woodmansee

Yes, those GPS linked trolling motors are a huge advantage when fishing deeper water. I am slow to make the change because my favorite fishing is sight fishing up in the shallows, and I prefer the tiller style motor for that.

Teresa McCullough
5 years ago

Love the live podcast, keep them up!

Luke Simonds
5 years ago

Thanks for making time to leave the nice comment Teresa!

Steven Carter
5 years ago

when too deep for power pole, would you consider using a mushroom-type anchor?

Jim Woodmansee
5 years ago
Reply to  Steven Carter

I use my “hold your spot” button on my Minn Kota iPilot trolling motor. The wind or tide may still swing your stern around (like if you had only one power pole) but it keeps the bow (if bow-mounted) within roughly 5ft of your spot (like a bridge abuttment).

Luke Simonds
5 years ago
Reply to  Steven Carter

The mushroom anchors don’t do a very good job at holding a boat in place if there is a decent amount of wind and/or current. So we recommend going with an anchor that can dig into the bottom more effectively so that it won’t be prone to drag the bottom.

Steven Carter
5 years ago
Reply to  Steven Carter

Thanks! @James…I don’t think there’s a spot-lock on the boat in the video so I wondered about a quiet small anchor to deploy since it seemed distracting to reposition the TM so frequently and water was too deep for PP.

@Luke. Thanks for your advice. I have a small Danforth on my boat but was thinking a mushroom style might work…sounds like it won’t hold the bottom well enough so I’ll re-evaluate. Thanks!

Dan McNulty
5 years ago

Hi Guys….Your Podcasts are something I really look forward to…keep it up. You two and the rest of the Salt Strong Team make us anglers feel as comfortable as a old favorite pair of boat shoes!

Bernard Kosicki
5 years ago

Joe and Luke, I’m really enjoying the live fishing pod casts. Please continue to post those.
Thanks, Bernie


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