The GPS Coordinates For Every Artificial Reef In Georgia
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Secrets, Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Offshore Fishing
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Georgia has one of the strongest coastal fisheries in the country.
The offshore fishery offers the opportunity to fish for grouper, snapper, amberjack, black sea bass and more.
The inshore fishery is considered the start of the “Lowcountry” which is one of the top destinations for redfish, trout and more.
Finding spots both offshore and inshore takes time. Having a place to start is always helpful when just getting started.
This article will show you how to find the GPS Coordinates and info for every offshore and inshore public artificial reef in Georgia.
The Georgia Artificial Reef Project
Off of coastal Georgia, the continental shelf gently slopes eastward for over 80 miles before reaching the Gulf Stream and the continental slope.
The shelf mostly consists of shell and sand. Only 5 percent of the coastal shelf contains the right bottom structure for habitat conducive to popular gamefish such as grouper, snapper, sea bass, and amberjack.
There is also a growing demand for bluewater fisheries for tuna, dolphin, wahoo and more.
In order to meet the offshore demand of Georgia anglers, the Georgia Artificial Reef Project was started in the 1970’s for offshore artificial reefs and in the 1980’s for inshore artificial reefs.
The Goals of Georgia’s artificial reef projects include:
- Development of long-term fisheries habitat
- Creation of additional and more accessible recreational fishing opportunities
- Enhancement and support of local and regional fisheries management efforts
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Georgia Offshore Artifical Reefs
Most of Georgia’s artificial reefs are 6-23 nautical miles offshore in 30-75′ of water. Georgia also has two experimental deep-water reefs in 120-170′ of water 50-70 nautical miles offshore.
The Offshore Artificial Reef Project covers 116 square miles and consists of 20 offshore artificial reef sites, eight decommissioned Department of Defense Tactical Air Crew Training System Towers and two Beach Reefs.
These reef sites provide the ideal structure for bottom fish and have helped establish the offshore Georgia fishery.
The following document gives you all the info you need to access the Georgia Artificial Reef sites and the different structures at each site.
Click Here To See The GPS Coordinates For Every Offshore Artificial Reef In Georgia
Below is an example of the info you can find in the offshore artificial reef PDF:
Site: Georgia Offshore Artificial Reef A
Distance: 7 nm East of Little Cumberland
- Depth: 30-45′
- Label: 1
- Description: Corner of Reef Area
- Latitude: 30 57.400
- Longitude: -81 16.300
- Deploy Date: Oct-76
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Georgia Inshore Artificial Reefs
Georgia has 15 inshore artificial reef sites 0-2.5 nautical miles from the coast. These reefs have mostly been constructed in the inshore rivers and tidal creeks.
These inshore reefs enhance fisheries resources in estuarine areas lacking suitable habitat and provide an increase of accessible habitat to coastal anglers.
They also are meant to increases the potential for oyster recruitment and shoreline stabilization.
Click Here To See The GPS Coordinates For Every Inshore Artifical Reef In Georgia
Below is an example of the info you’ll find in the inshore artificial reef PDF:
Georgia Inshore Artificial Reef: Halfmoon River, Wassaw Sound at the mouths of the Halfmoon & Bull Rivers, Chatham County, Intertidal site ~10.7 miles from Savannah
Pilings & General Locations of Reefs & Structures: General Location of Reef
- Lat DD: 31 Lat MM: 57.791
- Lon DD: 80 Lon MM.MMM: 56.489
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The State of Georgia has taken the effort to further develop both the inshore and offshore fishery in their home waters.
Anglers should take advantage of this fact and try to hit these inshore and offshore artificial reef sites.
While public artificial reefs do see some added pressure, they also offer easy-to-find fishing spots that house almost every saltwater fish species in Georgia.
If you have any questions about this article or how to find the Georgia Artificial Reef GPS coordinates, lets us know in the comments!
Tight Lines!
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