Want To Find Fish FAST? You Need These 2 Things…


Holy smokes…we did it!

This is the fastest and easiest way to find local oyster bars and seagrass beds in your area with the touch of a button.

See for yourself!

Want To Find Fish FAST? [VIDEO]

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We’ve just updated our Smart Fishing Spots App to include features that reveal where oyster bars and seagrass beds are!

All you need to do is use the menu bar to highlight either the oyster bars or seagrass in your area.

It’s just that simple.

In mere seconds you have a brand new spot picked out with favorable structure that increases your odds of catching more fish.

Luke and I have been using this app like CRAZY!!!

Just yesterday, we found some oyster bars using the Smart Fishing Spots App and we found an oyster bar in our area that we’ve passed by dozens on dozens of times.

It is a fully covered oyster bed without many indications that it was even there.

We had no idea the oysters were even there and after fishing it for a few hours, we caught enough snook that our arms were so tired from reeling them in.

It was an epic day all credited to Smart Fishing Spots.

Additionally, this is just a fraction of what this app can do.

There are also marine charts, and sonar charts, among other layers that show you everything you’d ever need.

If we can maximize on a spot with an ideal structure, then we can maximize the number of fish we reel in.

Areas that have the TWO elements of oyster bars and seagrass beds are perfect fishing spots.

It is almost a guarantee there will be feeding fish around because of oyster bars and seagrass structures.


If you are a current Insider Member, you can start catching more fish thanks to Smart Fishing Spots TODAY!!!

If you aren’t an Insider Member, what are you waiting for?!?!

➡Oh, by the way…Join the Insider Club TODAY and get Smart Fishing Spots for FREE

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Hector Moreno
2 years ago

not being a techy where or how do I download this app that I am seeing so much about? I just renewed my membership.

James Bozzi
2 years ago

I fish the river near Fort Pierce inlet… no sea grass to be found. I fish structure with artificials with no luck. I’ve been fishing my whole life and was very successful fishing stripers and bluefish in NY … any suggestions?

Kevin Boland
2 years ago

This is great. Will these types of features ever be available in freshwater lakes and reservoir’s in the future? Just curious. Thanks.

Jason Jernigan
2 years ago

I can find where to download the app. Is there a link or is it on the app store?

Jason Vermeulen
2 years ago

doesnt show anything in my areas either oak island nc

2 years ago

This is awesome but it doesn’t work in my area the Deep South Texas area. Pretty much the border of Texas. Kind of a bummer to be honest.

Buddy Harrison
2 years ago

Joe, this IS totally sick (awesome)! It’s so totally worth the cost of admission as a member of the Insiders Community. Can’t wait to see what’s next but the App is amazing ‘as is’ and I am out exploring waters that I just thought I knew … finding oyster bars and grass that I missed before. GT would be proud!


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