How To Tie A Dropper Rig Using a “T-Knot” (For Sheepshead & Snapper)


One of my favorite rigs for catching sheepshead is a dropper rig.

It helps me get my bait down to the bottom while giving it some slack to act naturally.

Plus, it allows me to easily switch weights if the current picks up or slows down, or if I move to fish somewhere deeper or shallower.

Want to learn how to tie this rig?

Watch the video below.

How To Tie A Dropper Rig For Sheepshead [VIDEO]

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This rig is very similar to the high low rig, except it uses just one hook.

I’d prefer this rig over the high low rig if I had one type of bait, knew what the fish were biting, or was getting broken off frequently and wanted to retie fast.

Here’s what you’ll need to tie this rig:

  • A hook. I’ve been using a #1 Gamakatsu live bait hook (get it from Amazon here), but the size hook will depend on the size bait you use.
  • Leader material. I’ve been using 30 lb mono (get it from Amazon here).
  • Bank sinker. I usually use between a 1-4 oz sinker, depending on depth and current.

And here’s how to tie this rig step by step:

Step 1: Stretch out the leader

This will make it easier to work with, it gets the coils out, and will help it be more invisible because it’ll reflect less light in the water with fewer coils.

Step 2: Create a loop around the middle of the length of leader

Start with 3-4 feet of leader and create a loop near the middle of it.

Form the loop first, then tie three to four overhand knots to secure it.

Step 3: Create a T knot 

sheepshead dropper rig

This T knot will strengthen the connection to the loop that you’ll eventually tie the hook to.

It also helps this part of the leader stick straight out, instead of down.

Step 4: Create a loop with the tag end

Form a loop then tie three to four overhand knots to secure it.

This knot will be used to attach the weight.

Step 5: Slip the weight over the loop

sheepshead dropper rig tutorial

The size weight you use will depend on the current, but by attaching the weight this way you’ll be able to quickly change it if necessary.

Step 6: Cut one side of the first loop and tie your hook onto it

I like to use a trilene knot, but you can use whatever knot you prefer for tying hooks to leaders.


dropper rig for sheepshead step by step

So there you have it—the dropper rig, which is one of my favorite rigs for when I’m targeting sheepshead.

Have any questions about this rig?

Let me know in the comments below!

Click here to check out all of our favorite rigs for sheepshead.

And if you know someone who wants to catch more sheepshead, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Will K.
1 year ago

I think a blood knot dropper would be stronger vs. tying overhand knots in mono

4 years ago

You need to test the strength of that T knots


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