Hidden Tricks To Catch More Fish In Strong Winds
- By: Pat Ogletree
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Sometimes it can be quite the struggle to catch more fish in strong winds.
Even to the point where conditions are simply unfishable.
But, during these trips, how can you manage to still hook into a few fish to avoid a skunk?
Learn how to catch more fish when the winds are blowing right here!!!
Catch More Fish In Strong Winds [VIDEO]
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Tip #1
This tip is really directed more at those fishing from kayaks, boats, and paddle crafts.
You should try to launch and fish on the same side of the waterway that the wind is coming from.
That way you can try and get as much wind protection as you possibly can.
When you look up the spot on a map, aim to launch from a wind-protected shoreline.
Taking that a step further, find spots to fish along the same shoreline of that waterway.
Your pre-trip plan is the same as normal, however, you are simply restricting your fishing to one side of the waterway.
Tip #2
The next tip applies to scenarios that are almost unfishable out on a kayak or boat because of extreme winds.
This is when you should try your hand at wade fishing.
You can position yourself with the wind at your back to avoid it blowing in your face and hindering your casting distance.
Instead, with the wind positioned to your back, the wind will help propel your lure even further than usual.
You can cover a lot more ground on a day that normally would be tough to cover large areas of water.
Tip #3
You can always fish from the shore!
Whether that be off a bank, a dock, a pier, or a jetty.
If the wind is at your back, you can continue to fish the spot as you would with boosted casting distance.
Or if the wind won’t let you work artificial lures properly, you can always throw out a live bait rig on a sinker.
You may not be able to fish the exact spots or techniques you want but you still will be able to get some lines in the water.
The structures mentioned above are notorious for holding sheepshead, mangrove snapper, black drum, and more.
Best Lures To Use In Heavy Winds
When fishing with artificial lures in heavy winds, you want to use something that you can cast out and straight retrieve back.
One of the best lures for these specific situations is the Johnson Silver Minnow Spoon.
This lure is a must-have on windy days because not only will it cast well with the wind, but it can cut right through the wind if it is coming at your face.
Another lure you want with you on windy days is the 5-inch Gold Digger BOMBER.
The 5-inch lure is slightly heavier than other plastics and will cast well in the wind.
Moreover, the larger profile sends out lots of vibration and attention to the fish.
When the wind is howling, the fish need that extra vibration to hone in on and strike a meal.
Additionally, you want to beef up the weight on your jigheads when it is windy.
A 1/4 oz. Z-Man Texas Eye Jighead or Redfish Eye Jighead matches perfectly to the Gold Digger BOMBER.
The reason for using a slightly heavier jighead is because in the wind your line has a tendency to bow which can force you to lose contact with the lure.
A larger lure and heavier jighead will allow you to have a stronger connection to your lure if a fish strikes.
Click here to get the Johnson Silver Minnow Spoon
Check out Gold Digger BOMBER Lures here
Click here to get Z-Man Texas Eye Jigheads
Click here to get Z-Man Redfish Eye Jigheads
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The biggest takeaway from this video is to be cautious and use safe fishing practices when fishing in heavy winds.
You can no doubt catch fish on windy days but it is best to find a wind-protected shoreline to pick off fish instead of riskier open waters on small crafts.
Don’t put yourself in harm’s way because there is always an opportunity to catch fish another day!!!
Click here to get the Johnson Silver Minnow Spoon
Check out Gold Digger BOMBER Lures here
Click here to get Z-Man Texas Eye Jigheads
Click here to get Z-Man Redfish Eye Jigheads
Do you have any questions about how to catch more fish in strong winds?
Let me know down in the comments section!
And if you know someone who wants to learn more about how to catch more fish in strong winds, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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Great job Pat! I actually tied on a Johnson spoon tonight for tomorrow as I’ve been struggling w some of my Mirrordine in the windy waters.
Good, Pat. ‘Spoons’ — I use both Johnsons and ADL. I find the latter is usually more tolerant in the wind, because it’s less-cupped (doesn’t ‘catch’ as much, so less-likely to veer off).
Great job Pat that is some great info to have.
My mind set and experience has always been to fish the shore onto the wind is blowing.
Here in Monterey, CA. WNW wind which is coming from open ocean pushes bait to the beach, hence the “Salmon Wind”. Wind is in the face while at the beach with heavy wind. Casting metal jigs sometimes is your only option.
While fishing San Luis Reservoir, fresh water stripers, I found the best fly fishing was fishing from a float tube with the wind to my back , casting towards the shore, where the wind was blowing into.
Baitfish would be blown into coves and pushed to the shallows. Presenting a Clouser minnow into a foot of water , stripping in into deeper water.
Just my thoughts of what I have observed in 60 years of fishing.
Thanks for the opportunity to share,
Good, Pat. ‘Spoons’ — I use both Johnsons and ADL. I find the latter is usually more tolerant in the wind, because it’s less-cupped (doesn’t ‘catch’ as much, so less-likely to veer off).