How To Catch Redfish In Murky Water (And Big Tides)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Some people don’t like us here at Salt Strong because we share too much information about how to catch fish.
A lot of people think that fishing know-how needs to be earned through many tough days on the water, not shared online.
We don’t agree though.
Fishing should be a fun way to make memories and spend time with friends and family on the water, and we all know it’s a lot more fun when you’re catching fish!
On today’s podcast, I’ve got Capt. Ronnie Kinner of All In One Charters, who’s been fishing in Charleston, South Carolina for over 30 years.
He also believes in teaching other people how to fish, and in fact, he’s been conducting on the water seminars and sharing loads of his hard-earned secrets.
I knew I had to have him on the podcast and let me tell you, he definitely did not hold back!
I learned a ton from Capt. Ronnie, including:
- how to catch redfish & trout in murky water with big tides
- his favorite lures to catch fish in these conditions (and how to retrieve them for more strikes)
- the first thing his grandfather taught him about fishing (that he still practices every day)
- the biggest mistakes that most anglers make that causes them to get skunked
- the secret to catching 100 fish compared to 10 fish
- everything you ever wanted to know about big tides (his favorite part of the tide, how to chase the tide, how wind affects the tide, etc)
You can listen to this episode by clicking the play button below, or on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
How To Catch Redfish [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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Related episodes:
- The Redfish & Trout Myth That’s Causing Anglers To Miss Out On Fish…
- How To Catch 24X More Inshore Saltwater Fish (Easy 10-Minute System)
- Why Most Saltwater Anglers FAIL (The Top Mistake)
Catching Trout On Popping Corks [VIDEO]
Love it when they bite during a demonstration!
How To Catch More Fish With Popping Corks [VIDEO]
Love the pool demonstration!
I can’t believe how much Capt. Ronnie shared!
I love when captains like him are so transparent and willing to help other people.
If you want to book a trip with Capt. Ronnie, you can find him here:
- All In One Charters on Instagram
- All In One Charters on Facebook
- Captain Ronnie’s Tips, Tricks, and Behind the Scenes Fishing in Charleston on Facebook
Have any questions about catching redfish in murky water and during big tidal swings?
Let me know in the comments below.
And if you know someone who fishes in these types of conditions, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
P.S. Want access to the best fishing spots, tips, and exclusive gear and discounts? Click here to join us and +13,000 other anglers in the Insider Club!
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Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.
Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
This is definitly my favorite podcast so far. This captain knows his stuff. I fish in the Savannah are and learned alot I can apply to my type of fishing. Thank you
Cool, I’ve fished live Pilchers with an open bail but never tried it with a cork. Thanks for the tips.
Thanks Captain Ronnie and Joe. That was a very informative, clearly presented podcast. The podcast combined with the recent kayak fishing tips from Wyatt Parcel provide a very useful extension of the Salt Strong content for the tidal salt marsh areas of Georgia and South Carolina.
Wow sounds like me in a lot of ways I fish primarily in murky water here in Jacksonville fl and spinnerbaits are also my favorite bait for both reds and flounder both and I know it’s because spinner baits make a lot of vibration and flash with the blade and I like to add scent as well with a piece of fishbites and a dash of procure in inshore scent for reds or flounder pounder for flounder and I also faver an incoming tide but I didn’t know about how wind can affect tide movements that was a great tip from capt Ron he sure is a young guy in the pic of him and 2 others I thought he was the older looking guy I guess not sounds like his grandfather taught him right I love Charleston south Carolina been there 2 times in the navy dropping off and picking up our ammo for a cruise anyways sounds like South Carolina’s red fishing is a lot like northeast Florida’s and I fish it very similar also the tip about popping corks was great to I have always had trouble keeping the bait and cork close to the bank where the fish are now I know how thanks to Capt Ron thanks for the podcast and all you do????
Really Great Podcast. Everything Capt. Ronnie said made sense and applied to us here is SE NC. Thanks o much for having do the interview with you.
Thanks Captain Ronnie. Best info so far for fishing the waters around Kiawah Island, SC. Thank you!!
Definitely one of your best podcasts, thanks Joe and Ronnie for the great tutorials.
Really enjoyed your podcast and all the tips . I went out today and started with a spinner bait tagged with a new copper penney paddle tail. Had been very slowly trolling popping the tip of my rod from time to time when I got a hit from a nice 16 ” flounder . Never expected that with a spinner . Thanks
Without exception, hands down, the best teaching podcast ever. Looking forward to part 2. Coincidentally, I just received a couple different spinner blade designs that I ordered to add to the Slam Shady to try in the murky water we have here. Thanks, Joe, for getting Capt. Ronnie to share his expertise with the Salt Strong Insiders. Bravo.!!
Good advice all around – nice to see something about up north (I’m in St Augustine) here where we have muddy water and 6 foot tides. I saw Luke’s post about turning the Gulp shrimp around – and have had that work for me. Now I’ll try it with a Twist-Lock. I am surprised Ronnie’s favorite tide is the end of the incoming. I can only think of one spot in my area where the incoming backs the fish against something solid, and the fish do love it – but you have to fight the local guides to get there by arriving hours early. The backs of most of our creeks are just acres of 2 foot water at high tide and everywhere you turn looks so fishy (trees, oyster clumps, grass lines) it’s hard to believe – but finding a fish in that is looking through 100% of the haystack. The fly guys love it – but they are stalking individual fish and have a guy up in the air that can see them. Every couple months or so I try to fish a high tide and remind myself of the futility …
I can definitely relate to what you said about everything looking fishy and finding fish in 100% of the haystack. I’m in Jacksonville and have fished both Jax and St. Augustine off and on for the past 13 years. I’ve been fishing my entire life in Florida and these areas have proven to be the most difficult for me to be consistently productive.