Brand New Fishing Technology (New Spots Fast)!!!
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Weekly Newsletter: 9-22-19

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Exciting news!
We’ve got a LIVE event coming up this week where we’ll be unveiling some new fishing technology (that didn’t exist until recently)… and we’d love to have you on the webinar training.
We’ll be revealing…
- How this new technology helps predict where feeding redfish are
- How this technology takes into account the weather & tides to show you the best spots
- How this new fishing technology eliminates all the “guesswork” to finding new inshore fishing spots fast!
- Why this changes everything…
Best news…
It’s FREE to join the online training!
Register your seat here (first come, first serve – only 200 seats available)
Hope to see you LIVE on the training.
Tight lines!
Joe Simonds
Salt Strong
P.S. – This webinar training is LIVE so you ask as many questions as you want. Save your seat here:
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